Monday, 24 February 2014

#120 It's all about the numbers!

There are now but eight weeks until the Boston Marathon on Monday 21 April. For a few reasons, I opted not to run the Peterborough Half yesterday and will instead race the Chilly Half in Burlington this Sunday, which boasts a flat (and potentially fast) course, a competitive field and means I'll get to line up with many of my fellow Black Lungs Toronto teammates, where we hope to have a strong showing as a club. I'm feeling very fit these days and am eagerly albeit anxiously looking forward to testing myself with a longer race. We'll see how things go on Sunday.

If you haven't already realized, (marathon) training is very much the same day to day, week to week, month to month: run everyday, sometimes twice, go easy most days, hard on others, then run even further (and hopefully faster)... And so rather than bore you with words and details, here are some numbers which can have the same effect.

Training: the past 4 weeks...

12. 27 Jan-2 Feb: 144 (16-25-22-23-23-0-35)
11. 3-9 Feb: 147 (18-19-16-25-23-13-33)
10. 10-16 Feb: 158 (16-26-28-26-26-10-26) Winterman Half (1:19:00; pacing)
9. 17-23 Feb: 150 (16-17-21-26-16-14-40)

The next 8 weeks...

8. 24-2 Mar: 100 (16-24-16-12-8-0-24)  Chilly Half (Goal: 1:13:xx)
7. 3-9 Mar: 150 (16-24-24-21-21-10-34) 
6. 10-16 Mar: 160 (16-24-24-24-24-12-36) Achilles St. Patrick's Day 5K (Goal: 15:xx)
5. 17-23 Mar: 150 (16-24-24-21-21-10-34)
4. 24-30 Mar: 100 (16-24-16-10-8-0-32) ATB 30K (Goal: ??? Was planning to pace; very tempted to race)
3. 31 Mar-6 Apr: 140 (16-24-24-24-16-16-20) 
2. 7-13 Apr: 120 (16-24-33-0-16-10-21) Yonge St. 10K? (Goal: 35:00 flat; pacing)
1. 14-20 Apr: 80 (16-20-16-12-8-8-0)

0. Mon 21 Apr: 42.2 Boston Marathon (Goal: TBD Each day I am more and more tempted to go for it)

Happy end of February; Hoping that March brings some spring!

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