Friday, 5 December 2014

#134 Big Parade

Hey everybody. Long time huh!

2014 is now coming to a close but so too must my half-of-the-year hibernation. So here I am: I'm alive, I'm well (almost/kinda) and most importantly, I'm running and writing again!

Looking back on the past few months, it's been tough. After struggling with escalating pain for more than a month, I called it quits at the end of July and took two months completely off running. Then, after way too much time on a stationary bike, I was ready and rearing to return to the roads. I came back in early October, slowly and sensibly, and have been running ever since. Unfortunately I am still not 100 per cent and periodically plagued by an ongoing hip/groin issue — a literal pain in the ass — that has hampered my comeback and limited (almost entirely) any quality/speed training.

My motivation also took a massive blow and "the drive, the spark, the desire" to keep training simply ceased to exist. I even began to wonder — and still sometimes do — whether I'll ever get back to the fit, fast and fun-loving runner that I was...

Luckily and at no better a time, I have found new inspiration and all the motivation a marathoner needs to get back at it and give everything I've got.

And what I have is a goal! 

#TORW2015 Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend: The largest, loudest and one of the greatest running events in the entire country. Not only is the Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon a fantastic and FAST course through the heart of our nation's beautiful capital, but it is also one of the best organized, supported and executed events around, meaning I'll have nothing to worry about other than training my legs to run fast for 42.2K. The Ottawa 10K is also the only IAAF gold-label event in the country, as well as the Canadian 10K Championship, which means it will attract a fast field of top athletes. Needless to say, #TORW2015 is set to be a stellar event.

Better still, I have been given the honour and privilege of being a part of 'Team Awesome', a group of highly motivated and social media savvy — at least we think we are — individuals who will share all things running, training and racing as we plan and prepare for the big day. Our aim is to inform and to inspire. To share our own 'wisdom' and experiences as well as connect with others who are also working and training for their own #TORW2015 goals and outcomes.

#TORW2015 takes place on May 23-24, 2015 which means we have plenty of time — and hopefully tolerable/runnable winter weather — to train and prepare. 

Right now, I'm committed to getting 100 per cent healthy again which means strengthening my core and hips and ridding myself of this annoying issue. Luckily I can continue to do what I love and build a base of mostly easy, manageable mileage until I'm ready and able to increase the volume and intensity. As always, I also have my incredible club/crew, Black Lungs Toronto, to push and pull me through the training and perhaps/occasionally have some fun while doing so.

Thanks as always for following along and taking an interest in my journey. I am so excited to share my knowledge, my experience and my passion for something so simple — Left foot, right foot, repeat — yet so incredibly challenging and rewarding.

1 comment:

Dave said...

The comeback is on!! Happy to hear your healthy buddy. I'll be following along. Small steps, May is a long time away. Lots of time to get into 2:29-2:31 shape!!