Tuesday, 2 September 2014

#131 Down but not out (but actually kinda both)

This training up-date comes more as a down-and-out-date, which is also the first of such posts I've ever had to write.

I've never DNFed from a race I've started and I don't soon plan too. Unfortunately I also don't plan to start many races in the near future, which I'm sure will help maintain that trend.

To keep things brief and to the point: I'm injured. Like really injured. Like I only ran seven times and logged 75K in all of August injured! To put that in perspective, that's a fair bit less than the 31 days and 700+Ks I ran last August 2013.

I'm still not 100% sure what it is, but our best guess is currently a pelvic stress fracture (thus my reference to a major and incessant pain in my ass) due to the dull, achy and non-localized pain in my right hip that has persisted for over a month and reduced my usually effortless speed walk to a lame and sluggish limp.

Needless to say, my fall racing plans have changed. I will no longer be running the upcoming 5K Canadian Championships at the B&O Yorkville Run this Sunday Sept. 7th, nor the Canada Army Run Half on Sept. 21st. Moreover, I will not be running my goal race of 2014, the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon on October 19th. As such, I won't be winning a case of beer from race director Alan Brookes for beating his PB (a tall order even if I was in top shape). I'm also very disappointed that I can't participate in the Scotiabank Media Challenge or do a better job in the Charity Challenge where I was hoping to raise funds for Alzheimer's Toronto. All in all, this FALL cycle has been a bit of a F-A-I-L.

Not to anyone's surprise, I am extremely disappointed to be unable to run, to train and to race. I've already gone through mild to moderate (and a few more severe) phases of withdrawal and am desperately trying to fill the void that running seems to have filled for so long. That said, I am also very fortunate for being healthy and injury-free for so long, for belonging to an awesome crew, the Black Lungs, and for all that I've been able to accomplish in the past two years. I am also eager and excited to come back stronger and faster than ever and continue to achieve my running and training-related goals in 2015. Down but not out, always aiming to improve.

Until then, happy running and training to everyone and good luck in achieving your fall racing goals.

1 comment:

Kevin Smith said...

Arrgghhh...heard this past weekend about your recent injury woes Dan. Sucks...big time, of course ;o(

But take it from someone who knows (my longest single injury break was over 4 years straight...hopefully yours won't even reach 3-4 months--that's kid's stuff...lol!)if the flame still burns to come back stronger, then no one can snuff it out!

Can't wait to have you back in front of me at the races--good luck with a speedy recovery!